Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Islam - A Danger to our Country

This is an excellent article, saying things that must be said and asking questions that must be asked.  We, as a nation must wake up to the threat of radical Islam before it over takes us.  We have only to look at 9-11, Boston, the bombers who have been caught, the U.S.S. Cole, on and on to see just how dangerous Islam is to our country. Please share this article, it is important information that must be seen by the people.  We must stop being too afraid of political correctness to see the truth.

Can We Have a National Conversation About Islam Now?

Can We Have a National Conversation About Islam Now?
Kira Davis
Can we have an honest national conversation about Islam now? We’ve been having a “national conversation” on race for decades now. Remember Clinton’s “race tour”?
Obama also pledged to hold a national conversation on race. We’ve been talking about race and racism and racists for so long now that it’s pretty much the worst thing you can be called in modern America: a racist. Racism has been basically relegated to the fringes of our society. Race-based violence is a shadow of what it was prior to the 1970′s, and we have even elected a black man as the leader of the free world (twice, if you count Clinton).
My point is, we’re continually having a nation-wide conversation on something that is barely even a threat anymore and yet we are not allowed to openly discuss a religion that has spawned an ideology responsible for the majority of the most horrific crimes against humanity in recent times.
At what point as a nation do we say “Enough is enough”? At what point to we admit that this problem goes far beyond our traditional political labels of “left” and “right”? At what point do we recognize the danger in front of us? For an entire year the President and members of Congress talked about the fiscal cliff and gave us all types of scary metaphors to illustrate the dangers. The car is going over the cliff! It will crash into the ravine and explode in a fiery ball! If we don’t put on the brakes now we’re going over the cliff! Paul Ryan wants to push Grandma off the cliff! Danger, danger, danger!
Of course, as we all know the “cliff” has come and gone and while these are difficult times we are all still here. There was no mass loss of life to accompany the fiscal cliff metaphors of death. Yet here we are, faced with an undeniable evil. This evil needs no metaphors to describe the destruction it reigns. We have pictures and video and eyewitness testimony. We have images of men and women falling to their deaths from 100 stories high and little, innocent boys waiting anxiously at the finish line just seconds before being blown to pieces. We don’t need to embellish the threat, it has been made all too painfully obvious.
And still, we can’t talk openly about the threat of Islam. As even Bill Maher pointed out recently, this violence is not from Christians or Jews or Buddhists or atheists. Nearly every instance of mass terrorism across the globe has been perpetrated by Muslims. Instead of asking serious questions about the nature of the faith and why it breeds such violence, we are admonished to not make judgments. We are scolded with the reminder that Islam is a “religion of peace” and only a small minority of Muslims resort to terror and murder.
Our government is insistent on us suspending our natural instincts and sensibilities when it comes to the violence we see from the Islamic world and yet asks us to “stay vigilant and alert” in our daily lives to help prevent further attacks. They feed us the “religion of peace” line over and over again. There are plenty of peaceful, good Muslims – the vast majority of them are. Reportedly Islam claims over a billion followers; but if even just 1% of those followers choose extremism that’s still ten million terrorists! That number is too large for Islam to maintain the “religion of peace” status being shoved down our throats. Whenever I have questioned why we don’t hear a massive outcry from the other nine-hundred-ninety million Muslims about terrorism I am confronted with, “They are scared. They will be targeted by militants”. Which seems like less of a defense and more proof that we really do have a serious problem with Islam.
There is a fundamental flaw in the Islamic faith that needs to be discussed and addressed. As a Christian I don’t believe in Allah or the Prophet, but if you can practice your belief without blowing me up then I have no problems with your faith. There are too many Muslims who don’t want to abide by that one simple, yet important rule: don’t murder people.
Our children are at risk. Our neighborhoods are at risk. Our community events, celebrations, freedom of movement – they are all at risk because of the threat of radical Islam that has embedded itself in our nation. If Obama wants to have a national conversation that really moves the needle, he would have the courage to open one up about Islam. Not only would it help expose and possibly neutralize the threat in some way, it would also give those peaceful, patriotic Muslims the opportunity to be heard in a public forum.
Let’s stop having useless national conversations. I’m black and my family is black but I have never once worried about my children being killed by a racist at a sporting event. I do, however worry they will be killed or hurt by a Muslim terrorist in the public square. The odds are far higher and growing every day.
Eric Holder wasn’t necessarily wrong when he said “we are a nation of cowards”, he just got the subject wrong on which we were being cowardly.  It is time for courage when it comes to radical Islam. Let us not lose one more innocent, smiling child before we will allow honesty to be heard.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Presidential Vacations - Then and Now

This article that I found through my Facebook page, written by Joseph Curl,  covers far better than I could what I had planned on talking about in my next blog.  They didn't mention the 7 million dollar Presidents' Weekend where the Obama's took separate vacations - he to play golf  with Tiger and have lessons, at $1000./hr with Butch Harmon and she and the girls to go skiing in Aspen.  I also did not see Beau's, the first dog,  vacation trip on his own plane last summer.  I think that the worst is the fact that their Christmas vacations have not only  been unbelievably expensive - but they always leave before the holiday so that their support staff cannot spend time with their own families.  This, like nothing else, illustrates how little the Obamas' care about the little people that not only elected him, but make their daily life easy and safe.  Hypocrisy at its finest ! !

Come visit me at my shop -gotta pay for my vacation that's planned for sometime way in the future!

Being president of the U.S., the most powerful man in the world, is often most about perception. The man (or, one day, woman) in the job takes actions large and small every day, but it is the perception of the man that seeps into the everyday lives of working Americans.
That’s why presidential candidates always hit Philadelphia for a cheesesteak during campaigns (Democrats to Pat’s, Republicans to Geno’s). Sure, they’re running billion-dollar operations trying to win the White House, but one picture of them wolfing down a Cheez Whiz-covered glob of meat on a Philly street hits home with millions of voters: “Hey, that guy’s just like me! He loves him a Pat’s [or Geno’s] cheesesteak, too!” (Unless you’re John F. Kerry and order Swiss cheese — then everyone hates you.)
Sometimes, that perception cuts to the core. Like when President George W. Bush stopped playing golf in 2003, at the height of the Iraq War.
“I think playing golf during a war just sends the wrong signal,” he said years later. “I don’t want some mom whose son may have recently died to see the commander in chief playing golf. I feel I owe it to the families to be in solidarity as best as I can with them.”
That’s also why Mr. Bush did two other things, without fanfare or praise. First, he never headed home to his Texas ranch until after Christmas, instead going to Camp David for a few days. That way, the hundreds of people revolving around him at all times — White House staff, Secret Service agents, reporters, photographers, all the others — could spend the holiday with their families in and around Washington, D.C. No one ever reported that — until this column.
Second, he rarely attended sporting events, although he once owned a baseball team and was a self-confessed stats junkie. His thinking there was the same: If he went to a baseball game (right down the street from the White House), his mere presence would mean hours and hours of extra security for fans. He once stopped off at the Daytona 500 and the metal detectors through which every fan had to pass left thousands outside in line when the green flag fell; he didn’t attend many sporting events after that.
But something remarkable has happened with these occupants of the White House: Neither President Obama nor first lady Michelle appear to give a damn about perception. They won the White House and, by God, they’re going to enjoy their time there, no matter the cost. And who cares what you think, anyway?
How else to explain the nonstop vacations the pair keep taking during what Mr. Obama calls the “worst financial crisis since the Great Depression”? In 2013, the First Family has already enjoyed three vacations — that’s one a month. (Sorry, Joe America, you might have to forget your week at the beach again this year, but make sure you get those taxes in on time!)

The Obamas ended 2012 and kicked off 2013 in an $8 million, 6,000-square-foot house in Hawaii (they left well before Dec. 25, by the way). There, the president played five rounds of golf (breaking the 100-rounds-as-president threshold). Scarcely a month into Term 2, Mrs. Obama headed off for Aspen, taking along the couple’s daughters. Vice President Joseph R. Biden also hit the Colorado slopes. While the girls (and Joe) were gone, Mr. Obama nipped down to Florida for a four-day boys weekend of golf, teeing it up with his buddies — and Tiger Woods. He hit the links again this weekend, then dropped in for an NCAA tournament game in Washington.
Jumpin’ Joe, for his part, spent New Year’s in the Virgin Islands and popped off over the Easter weekend for a golf outing at the glorious Kiawah Island, S.C. (where rounds of golf on the spectacular Ocean Course run $353 — nearly $20 a hole). His third vacation of the year came the same week as reports that he and his entourage spent $460,000 for a single night in London and $585,000 for a night at a five-star hotel in Paris.
Then, last week, reports emerged that the Obama girls were kicking it in the Bahamas for spring break. Days later, a Colorado news station, KMTV, reported that the girls were now skiing in Sun Valley, Idaho. The White House flacks didn’t like that one bit.
“From the beginning of the administration, the White House has asked news outlets not to report on or photograph the Obama children when they are not with their parents and there is no vital news interest,” said Kristina Schake, communications director to the first lady. “We have reminded outlets of this request in order to protect the privacy and security of these girls.”
At their demand, the station scrubbed the report without explanation. What losers.
To be clear, this has nothing to do with the daughters. Never has. They are wonderful girls. The issue is use of taxpayer money, especially since Mr. Obama has shut down the White House to visitors, citing the cost of security. All these trips cost millions for Secret Service protection; couldn’t they just skip a few vacations so taxpayers could visit “America’s House”?
But no, the Obamas don’t care a whit about that, or the perception of them living high on the hog while many hardworking Americans are struggling to get by — and hoping to save enough for just one vacation this year.
And that perception, juxtaposed with reality, more than nearly anything else, tells you an awful lot about this president.
• Joseph Curl covered the White House and politics for a decade for The Washington Times and is now editor of the Drudge Report. He can be reached at josephcurl@gmail.com and @josephcurl.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/mar/31/curl-the-obamas-live-the-1-percent-life/#ixzz2PFnMdvp2
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In a Sunday Washington Times column, Drudge Report editor Joseph Curl takes a look at the difference between how the last two White House occupants, President Bush and President Obama, approached vacationing as president. Curl reveals that unlike Obama, Bush was concerned with public perception (especially during the war in Iraq) and made an effort  to schedule holiday vacations in a way that wouldn't take others away from their families -- even a media that despised him:

 “I think playing golf during a war just sends the wrong signal,” [President George W. Bush] said years later. “I don’t want some mom whose son may have recently died to see the commander in chief playing golf. I feel I owe it to the families to be in solidarity as best as I can with them.”

That’s also why Mr. Bush did two other things, without fanfare or praise. First, he never headed home to his Texas ranch until after Christmas, instead going to Camp David for a few days. That way, the hundreds of people revolving around him at all times — White House staff, Secret Service agents, reporters, photographers, all the others — could spend the holiday with their families in and around Washington, D.C. No one ever reported that — until this column.

Second, he rarely attended sporting events, although he once owned a baseball team and was a self-confessed stats junkie. His thinking there was the same: If he went to a baseball game (right down the street from the White House), his mere presence would mean hours and hours of extra security for fans.

Conversely, Obama, who never has to worry  about the media turning against him (including lying for weeks about a terror attack in Libya), doesn't give a damn about public perception -- not during a recession; not even during a time when sequester cuts are being blamed for the closing of White House tours and airport control towers:

How else to explain the nonstop vacations the pair keep taking during what Mr. Obama calls the “worst financial crisis since the Great Depression”? In 2013, the First Family has already enjoyed three vacations — that’s one a month. (Sorry, Joe America, you might have to forget your week at the beach again this year, but make sure you get those taxes in on time!)

Curl closes the piece (which you will want to read in full) by making the point about how much this juxtaposition tells you about Obama. And indeed it does. But I would add that it also reveals just as much about our media.
